Spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustment is a method of treatment used mostly by chiropractors, as well as some osteopaths. Invented in the 19th century by Daniel David Palmer who is known as the founder of Chiropractic.

Spinal manipulation has been described as a specific force (thrust) applied to the vertebra in a specific direction to correct articular malposition or functional abnormality. When the spine is not in the proper alignment or the vertebral segments are not moving correctly, the body will not function normally. In time, this abnormal alignment or function could cause pain and limitation of motion. Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation by using their hands or a device to apply a controlled force to a joint of the spine. The amount of force applied depends on the form of manipulation used. The goal of the treatment is to relieve pain and improve physical functioning.

Dr. Sellari has been performing spinal manipulation since 1989. He has helped over 7,000 patients reduce their pain and improve the quality of their life. According to Dr. Sellari, "spinal manipulation is a safe procedure with limited side effects. In most cases, patient experience immediate relief of pain. However, the ultimate goal of this procedure is to restore normal function which takes some time, depending on the severity of the case. Therefore, long term benefit from manipulation is usually achieved after several treatments over multiple weeks. A common response for an uncomplicated case is approximately 60% improvement with 6-12 treatments over 2-4 weeks."

"Spinal manipulation is a safe procedure with limited side effects. In most cases, patient experience immediate relief of pain."

Dr. Sellari uses "Diversified Adjusting" techniques with adjunctive therapies. Diversified Adjusting is the classic chiropractic technique that uses specific manual thrusts focused on restoring normal biomechanical function. Has been developed to adjust extremity joints as well.

ActivatorWe also use "Activator Method" in special circumstance such as severe osteoporosis, pediatric cases and for those who do not tolerate with manual manipulation. Activator Method uses the Activator Adjusting Instrument instead of by-hand adjustments to give consistent mechanical low-force, high-speed impulses to the body.

In specific cases when necessary we use a technique called S.O.T. which utilizes blocks that are placed in a precise position under your pelvis. This facilitates the optimum balance of the lumbar spine on the pelvis, removes pressure off the involved disc and the entrapped nerve root and reduces the pain. This is another non-force technique used by our office to accommodate different conditions and patient tolerance.

Visit our office in North Brunswick Township, NJ today to learn more!


Reviews have concluded that spinal manipulation for low-back pain is relatively safe when performed by a trained and licensed practitioner. The most common side effects are generally minor and include feeling tired or temporary soreness.


Studies have shown that spinal manipulation is a viable option for the treatment of spinal pain and has less potential side-effects than taking pain-relieving medications.

In 2007 guidelines, the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society included spinal manipulation as one of several treatment options for practitioners to consider when low-back pain does not improve with self-care. More recently, a 2010 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) report noted that complementary health therapies, including spinal manipulation, offer additional options to conventional treatments, which often have limited benefit in managing back and neck pain. The AHRQ analysis also found that spinal manipulation was more effective than placebo and as effective as medication in reducing low-back pain intensity.

A 2011 review of 26 clinical trials looked at the effectiveness of different treatments, including spinal manipulation, for chronic low-back pain. The authors concluded that spinal manipulation is as effective as other interventions for reducing pain and improving function.

A 2010 review that looked at various manual therapies, such as spinal manipulation and massage, for a range of conditions found strong evidence that spinal manipulation is effective for chronic low-back pain and moderate evidence of its effectiveness for acute low-back pain.

A 2009 analysis looked at the evidence from 76 trials that studied the effects of several conventional and complementary health practices for low-back pain. The researchers found that the pain-relieving effects of many treatments, including spinal manipulation, were small and were similar in people with acute or chronic pain.

A 2008 review that focused on spinal manipulation for chronic low-back pain found strong evidence that spinal manipulation works as well as a combination of medical care and exercise instruction, moderate evidence that spinal manipulation combined with strengthening exercises works as well as prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs combined with exercises, and limited-to-moderate evidence that spinal manipulation works better than physical therapy and home exercise.

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